Vision & Mission

The Faculty of Education and Social Sciences

Our Vision

To provide holistic and research in creating scholars who enable in developing of the socioeconomic of the nation.

To develop holistic individuals through education, language and human sciences and economic mobility of the nation

Our Mission


of our students successfully graduate and begin their career development.


At Faculty of Education & Social Sciences, we will be the preeminent intellectual and research center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demanding to meet social needs.

Our vision aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animates our mission and our values:


Creativity and innovation to challenge the status quo will affect what and how we teach and the intellectual ambitions of the university itself.


Social engagement should orient students’ academic experiences to help them become critically engaged citizens, dedicated to solving problems.


FESS’s commitment to student success, important scholarship and creative activity, and public service sets it apart from other colleges.

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